
More than 30 years of experience suing banks and insurance companies.


We guarantee the best service and legal process available.

We do not charge if we do not win

We only charge the minimum procedural expenses to carry out your procedure.

If a check was stolen and cashed for you or, there are charges on your bank statements or bank transfers that you don’t recognize, don’t worry! With Lex & Co. consider it resolved.

More than 4,500 favorable rulings back us up, as well as 30 years of experience in the business. Likewise, our experience has led us to participate in multiple judicial proceedings of national relevance and intervened in the media.

Whenever a bank pays a check unduly or performs an operation such as debit and/or credit card charges or a bank transfer that the user of financial services does not recognize, it must return said amount to the user with the corresponding interest, for which it is sufficient to demand the nullity of the operation in the corresponding mercantile proceeding, and it will be the bank who will have to prove the validity of the operation, an action that it fails to prove in 95% of the cases, the denunciation of the facts before the Public Prosecutor’s Office is not aimed at guaranteeing the full refund of the resources unduly subtracted from the user’s account.

In Lex & Co we know that people’s patrimony must be taken care of and protected, so if you or someone you know is in this situation contact us and we will help you, our advice is free and does not generate any commitment.

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    Our seriousness and wide experience suing banks and insurance companies have allowed us to participate in different radio and television programs, always in defense and protection of policyholders and users of financial services.

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