Were you denied the refund of an Infonavit credit?

Are you not using your Infonavit credit?

Have you finished paying your Infonavit credit?

Were you denied the return of an Infonavit loan? With Lex & Co consider it solved. If you were denied the return of an INFONAVIT credit, we make you pay it or we do not charge legal fees.

More than 4,500 favorable rulings back us up, as well as 30 years of experience in the business. Likewise, our experience has led us to participate in multiple judicial proceedings of national relevance and intervened in the media.

So, if you have had a right violated by INFONAVIT, and you are looking for a real estate lawyer in Mexico, we can sue or file an injunction before said institution to restore the violated right.
The Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores has the obligation to observe the provisions of its own law and to see that all benefits for individual account holders registered before said institute are respected.

Recurring violations of the right to housing

  • Refusal to pay insurance in the event of the death of the borrower.
  • Refusal to refund contributions in the event of the death of an individual account holder.
  • Illegal transaction of your rights over a property acquired through a housing loan.


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