
More than 4,500 favorable rulings back us up. We have participated in multiple tax proceedings of national and international relevance.


We guarantee the best service and legal process available. We commit IN WRITING to concrete and real results.

We do not charge if we do not win

We only charge the minimum procedural expenses to carry out your procedure.

In LEX & CO we are a tax law firm, concerned about the tax terrorism that sometimes the tax authority carries out against the taxpayer compliant and, above all, captive. We have specialized in tax defense in order to guarantee legality and justice to our clients’ contribution to public spending.

More than 4,500 favorable rulings back us up. Our experience has led us to participate in multiple tax proceedings of national and international relevance, as well as to participate in the media as experts in tax litigation.

What is a tax lawyer?

A tax lawyer is a law graduate with a specialty in Financial and Tax Law, who provides advice on legal issues related to tax matters such as tax obligations of taxpayers, whether individuals or corporations, so they act as advocates to safeguard the interests of their clients before the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) or the Tax Administration Service (SAT).

Functions of a tax law firm

Tax lawyers advise their clients on all aspects related to taxes, penalties imposed by the tax authorities on taxes such as Value Added Tax (VAT), Income Tax (ISR), Business Flat Tax (IETU) affecting individuals or legal entities. In addition to acting as defendants in proceedings arising from tax obligations.

The main function of tax lawyers is to advise their clients so that their actions are in accordance with the Law and comply with the provisions of the Federal Tax Code.


Services in tax matters

-Tax advice. Advise taxpayers to comply with their tax obligations avoiding failures or omissions before the tax authority, to avoid making unnecessary payments, fines or penalties that are bad for the taxpayer’s finances.

-Fiscal supervision. Financial and tax analysis to avoid discrepancies or omissions of tax obligations that may cause conflicts with the authority.

-Tax strategies. These are legal tools and procedures that help taxpayers reduce their tax burden through a solid knowledge of the Law and applicable regulations.

-Tax opinion. The issuance of a document in which the taxpayer’s financial statements are interpreted by a specialist to comply with tax provisions.

-Defense of tax credits. The preparation of means of defense of taxpayers’ rights in case of discrepancies or situations that must be clarified before the SAT to avoid the payment of fines or other penalties
-Defense in tax offenses. The presentation of defense resources (amparos) before the tax authorities to avoid final judgments and resolutions.

-Tax litigation. Specialized services in defense of the taxpayer against the tax authority in case of unfair application of the tax law, collection of amounts that are not in accordance with the law, refusal to obtain a refund of amounts paid in excess to the tax authorities and the disregard of legitimate rights of taxpayers to reduce their tax burden.

Why choose Lex & Co?

More than 30 years in the market, supporting micro, small, medium and large companies, support us as a Tax Law Firm.

Our function is to obtain the nullity of the resolutions and/or irregular tax credits, as well as of the constituent capitals made by the authorities collecting social security contributions outside the legal framework and which are made with full malice and advantage over the taxpayers, implementing the most innovative jurisprudential criteria and legal provisions in the matter, even using international law, since, with us, in addition to the nullity of the corresponding resolution, we obtain all the accessories and the payment of punitive damages for the improper integration of the administrative procedure of execution.

This guarantees to each and every one of our clients the delivery of complete justice, which, unfortunately, in our country is undermined by the ignorance and lack of professionalism of the tax collection authorities.

At LEX & CO Abogados Fiscalistas, we are aware that taxpayers are victims of a harmful intention on the part of the State to excessively collect taxes, without respecting deductions, incentives and benefits that the tax law itself grants to the governed on savings and the full economic development of the entrepreneur and the professional service provider.

Thus, at LEX & CO Abogados Fiscalistas, we analyze the specific case and plan a personalized strategy, together with our team of experts, made up of the best lawyers, accountants, actuaries and scientific experts.

Once such strategy is done, we jurisdictionally sue the responsible party, with the purpose of obtaining the greatest benefits for our clients, and even, to obtain the plain and simple nullity of the tax credit under litigation, which we do guaranteeing the best service and existing legal process, committing ourselves in writing and with the tranquility that we give a prompt solution to work with our clients, designing a total and complete tailor-made suit to solve the raised problem.

For all of the above, we are confident that we are the best option and the only Tax Law Firm that offers this security, transparency and excellence in the provision of its services.


When are tax attorneys necessary?

In case the authority determines that the taxpayer has a debt, that the tax returns have tax discrepancies or were not filed in due time and form, or the tax authority has suspicions that the taxpayer is committing a tax crime, it is necessary to hire a suitable professional to take care of the taxpayer’s defense.

A tax attorney will present the resources and authorized means for the taxpayer to catch up with his tax obligations, clarify possible discrepancies or resort to defense methods to demonstrate that his activities are lawful.

It is also necessary to seek the advice of a tax attorney in case of a visit or audit by the tax authority, or if you have received a requirement or invitation from the SAT.

Having the advice of tax attorneys is a means of defense for taxpayers to properly address the requests of the tax authorities and avoid being a victim of abuse of power by the authority.

At LEX & CO we have lawyers specialized in tax matters to help our clients avoid paying costly fines or penalties by the authority. For more information, call us at 5568401076, or send us a WhatsApp. Learn about the Art of Winning with LEX & CO.



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