Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

The refusal of some insurers to fulfill their responsibilities is a growing problem affecting numerous victims throughout the country. These cases, which often involve legal tricks to delay the payment of compensation, reflect a worrying lack of protection for policyholders.


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An alarming example is that of Marlene Cocom, a single mother run over by a patrol car in Chetumal, who, after a year of legal struggle, is still waiting for GNP to fulfill its duty.

How did the events happen?

Marlene Cocom is a single mother who was run over by a patrol car of the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) of Quintana Roo in Chetumal a year ago. The events, which were captured on video, show how Martín N., the driver of the patrol car, did not respect traffic protocols. The legal team claimed that the patrol car was not heading to an emergency and that the police officer involved evaded his responsibility. For this reason, an investigation has been requested from the SSC Internal Affairs Unit, as well as the dismissal of the officer.

In addition to GNP’s refusal to pay, the legal representation denounced that the insurer has used legal tactics to delay the process for up to five years, despite the evidence confirming the responsibility of the police officer who was driving the unit.

So far, the control judge has not set a date for the initial hearing of the complaint for damages and injuries, despite the fact that the investigation file FGE/QROO/OPB/05/2480/2023 was filed months ago.


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How is the affected party’s fight for justice going?

Marlene Cocom, who is the mother of three children, two of them with disabilities, has been seriously affected by the situation. Due to the after-effects of the accident, which have left her with a permanent disability, she has not been able to work, which has forced her eldest daughter to drop out of school.

Given this situation, the lawyer called on the governor of Quintana Roo, Mara Lezama, to intervene and demand that GNP pay the compensation, avoiding the process being unnecessarily prolonged, further harming the affected party.

The insurance company GNP Seguros provides insurance coverage to the entire police force of the municipality, but it seems that there is no point in having such insurance if in a case like this there is no resolution based on the facts and justice.

According to data from Condusef, GNP Seguros ranks second in claims in the country with 16%, mainly due to delays in payment and dissatisfaction with the amounts.


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