Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

Currently, acquiring car insurance is a necessity, not only to prevent a huge debt in the event of an accident, but because it is a requirement to drive on federal roads and in some cities in the country. Precisely because it is an essential requirement, knowing which companies have the best ratings is a great help when choosing.

Below, we present data from the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) on the claims handled until June 2023 and which reveal which are the worst insurers for the automobile insurance field.




Car insurance claims

According to Condusef, in the first quarter of 2023 it attended to a total of 4,928 claims from insurance users, and of these, 4,164, equivalent to 84%, were from the automobile insurance sector.

The percentage of claims is divided as follows:

In addition to these, other insurers that received claims were HDI Seguros, Seguros Afirme, Seguros Banorte, BBVA Seguros, Inbursa Seguros, Mapfre and Axa.


Does having more claims mean that one insurer is worse than another?

Condusef has clarified that having more claims does not necessarily indicate that one insurer is worse than another. This is because a company that has sold more policies may have a greater number of complaints.

For better guidance, Condusef developed its claims index, which is calculated by dividing the number of complaints per million insured risks, which provides a more equitable comparison and establishes a basis for evaluating them.

In this context, the following stand out: Mapfre with 1,146 claims, GNP with 909 and Seguros Afirme with 866.




Main user complaints

The main causes of user complaints are:


Insurers with the best opinion in favor of the user

According to Condusef, the insurers that provide the most favorable responses for their clients are: Seguros Afirme, Seguros Inbursa and Mapfre. This data will help you make a better decision about the insurer with which to purchase the policy to protect your car.


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If the insurance company refuses to pay the compensation corresponding to your case, at LEX & CO we will advise you to obtain your fair payment. Contact us through our form or by phone 5568401076 for more information, we will be happy to assist you.

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