Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

After the effects of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco, it is important to know the ideal way to protect your health and belongings; Such is the case of hurricane insurance. In this article we will explain the three types of essential protections against these events.


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What hurricane insurance exists?

Most insurance is designed to provide protection against any type of loss, including natural disasters such as hurricanes. But it is important to choose the package that meets the necessary coverage; These are the most common options you can hire.

Vehicle insurance

Car or motorcycle insurance has extensive coverage in relation to different types of accidents, for example, accidents, rollovers, theft or natural disasters ranging from earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, fires and hurricanes.

Try to get comprehensive coverage when contracting this service, as this guarantees support for material, aesthetic or mechanical damage to your car, as well as possible theft during or after the natural phenomenon.

You can also purchase other services such as support for medical expenses for occupants, mechanical or legal assistance during possible road accidents. Additionally, there are options in which you are provided with a car while yours is repaired.


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Home insurance

During a hurricane, real estate can be compromised to a greater or lesser extent; Therefore, it is essential to insure the properties and generate backup for possible repairs.

Among the services that can be obtained in home insurance, the following points stand out:

Medical expenses insurance

It is essential to have support for medical expenses, it is protection against any type of accident or health emergency that occurs; This can include physical damage caused by hurricanes.

Before contracting insurance, it is ideal to review the coverage it generates and the way in which it applies the protection that is activated in the event of any accident or natural disaster, in this case, hurricanes.


Know Our Services


LEX & CO has lawyers and specialists who deal with insurance negligence; For example, in the recent case of Hurricane Otis, we provided support to people who had problems with their insurance policies. Additionally, if you require legal assistance with real estate matters, our team also includes a skilled real estate attorney in Mexico.  Contact us through our contact form or by calling 5568401076, to receive specialized advice on your case.

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